Everywhere we turn, we get bombarded by incisive, scary, troublesome situations, in our relationships, in our nation, and in our world. It's confusing, disheartening, challenging, and scary to know how to move forward.
The entire time I've been a mom, I've totally wanted to tune out and stick my head in the ground. Call it self-protection, call it my normal disposition of not wanting to be troubled.
Interestingly enough, though, there are several ways not to be troubled. You can either do like I did and try to pretend nothing's happening. That's a chicken move, though. I mean, the entire time I didn't want to know the truth I enabled it. And I rationalized it.
You could also know the truth, and two things could happen. You could become empowered to make a difference. You could also rise above the fray and shine as a light. The hope here would be that if you rose above the craziness, you could also stay out of the woods as far as circumstances go. You know the truth, and it truly sets you free. You don't let the insanity get to you or bring you down. You let it help you know how to move forward, and you move forward with confidence and trust.
You also don't let your heart be troubled. We are to have trust in Christ that He has overcome the world. For me, the two principles are intertwined with this truth. I can rise above because He has overcome the world.
So tonight, as I'm completely exhausted, I go to sleep knowing what's happening in the world, so I can pray for it, but also knowing Christ has overcome the world. I have to rely on that and surrender.
What are you facing today you're totally overwhelmed by? How can you know what's going on, but rise above the fray AND trust Christ to be in charge, since he already has overcome the world?