DIY Mineral Sunscreen for GREAT Skin!

DIY Mineral Sunscreen for GREAT Skin!
If you are applying sunscreen to multiple wiggly kiddos that are itching to go PLAY - this can DEFINITELY be a game changer!!!

Our Father Among the Saints, Patrick of Ireland

Today is a really fun day to be an Orthodox Christian, because though we commemorate the saints (think about it like talking reverently about your grandmother or great-grandfather) every day, today's saint we commemorate is one who's been memorialized for one reason or another, around much of the world, especially in the United States, where our bus driver during our Ireland trip very notably told us 82 million Americans can trace their (our) roots back to Ireland.    Maybe we love Saint Patrick so much because we know he hearkens back to our roots.

Saint Patrick, Ireland, Saint Patrick's Day, Saints

What's Going On Right Now?

What's Going On Right Now?
How do you know how to discern the signs of the times?  We discuss it in this blog post!  

Oranges & Skittles and How They Maximize Your Life

Oranges & Skittles and How They Maximize Your Life
What if your tasks were a whole lot more focused? What if you worked on a few BIG goals at a time versus filling your day with errands, calls, and scrolling Facebook?  Read this post to see how to shift your accomplishments to 10x your results quickly and easily!!!

How to EASILY take action every day!!!

How to EASILY take action every day!!!
You will not BELIEVE how simple this 10x strategy is for crushing your life's mission and accomplishing the most important tasks to help you crush life-balancing goals!  Be sure to click HERE not to miss a single other post on how to maximize your life.
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