With the uptick in other essential oils companies coming onto the market (ask yourself why companies decide to market a product, especially when they don't own farms to grow the plants). I decided to share some info and questions for you to just think about when choosing your essential oils company.
Read more...Why are Young Living’s oils not certified organic??
Check out just a few of the differences below & see for yourself!
🌿YL truly is BEYOND organic.🌿
A huge thank you to YL member Courtney Nelson for compiling this info from the USDA website!
Compare USDA Organic Certification Criteria:

To the characteristics of Seed to Seal:

I break the sources for great info on Carnivore into two categories – professionals (doctors), and lifestyle
content creators.
I do not diagnose, prescribe, treat, or recommend anything to anyone – on my channel I share what
works for me. You will have to take responsibility for your own health and consult your doctor if you
have any questions. I am not a doctor, and I do not play one on TV!
DOCTORS, their channels, and relevant books:
Dr. Ken Berry Lies My Doctor Told Me
Dr. Richard Bernstein Diabetes Solution
Dr. Anthony Chaffee The Plant Free MD Podcast
Dr. Shawn Baker revero.com
Dr. Lisa Wiedeman The Carnivore Doc
I follow so many more people, but I make sure I catch as many of the videos the above creators have done, as possible!

We have been endeavoring to live fully into the lives God has given us. Jesus Christ Himself says Himself in John 10:10 that He gives us life and more abundantly! He called us to live NOW. He didn’t call us to have to change so that we can avoid life. What is that ABUNDANT life supposed to look like, during "unprecedented" times? How do we hold out for and manifest hope!?
Are we ever going to unify as a country? Will we ever heal from the incisive, divisive rhetoric that keeps us at each other's throats, when just a few short years ago we were signing "kum-ba-yah?" What do we do to be part of that solution?