You know what's interesting? For as much as I often am in touch with and led by my emotions, it's really weird how I often feel very uncomfortable showing emotion. Lately the tears come a lot faster and a lot closer in between, and it's been interesting navigating what to do with them.
We're in hard times right now. I wonder if there's a single person out there with a soul who doesn't know what I mean. These are hard times, and we're having to figure out how to make sense of these intensely confusing times. Everything seems to be thrown upside down, and we don't know how to feel. It's so painful to go throughout the day navigating our thoughts.

To make matters much worse, once we get straightened out, something else happens and we get all tilted again. It's a repeated trauma. The repeated aggravation means it's easier to get to that painful spot the next time, which also means it's harder to get out of it.
Whaaaattttt to doooooooo? This is a really potentially damaging place for our society to be right now. However, you can do some things to help. I do ALL these things and I feel like I reduce 90% of the external stress just through that!
1. TURN OFF THE NEWS. If you must know what is going on, send me a message. I want to know more about you and have a real conversation about what kind of news you are looking for.
2. Use calming coping tools. We use these oils in particular, and this kit has several bottles of oils and a diffuser. I tell you how to use them. We have used these oils for almost 8 years and I sleep WAY differently than I did before I got this kit! Getting a fantastic night's sleep really helps us handle stress better.
3. Eat healthy foods. We make sure to eat lots of colorful vegetables and dark fruits. The greens have chlorophyll, which nourishes the brain, and the berries and darker fruits are high in antioxidants. We need those healthy foods to support our cognitive function. I have fantastic products I use for that. i take one sleeve a day of this and it helps me so much!

It is SO critical to maintain the perspective too that we can only solve so much. What can you handle? What is in your control? What is looming over you? What suggestions do you have for others on how to handle the situations of the day during this intensely stressful time?