Oranges & Skittles and How They Maximize Your Life

Oranges & Skittles and How They Maximize Your Life
What if your tasks were a whole lot more focused? What if you worked on a few BIG goals at a time versus filling your day with errands, calls, and scrolling Facebook?  Read this post to see how to shift your accomplishments to 10x your results quickly and easily!!!

Stand Up and Speak Up!!!

Lost friends just by sharing your thoughts?  YEP!  I get it!  Your voice is NEEDED, and you were placed her right here right now for such a time as this!!!  Speak up!!  (Read on.)

Take a media fast with me!!!

Take a media fast with me!!!
How can you know you're getting the truth?
Why and how can you take a social media fast?  
When can or should you start, and how long should it take?

Think for YOURSELF!!!!

Think for YOURSELF!!!!
See issues in current events that make you go, "hmmm?"
Want to gain tools to find info and flex your critical thinking skills?  
Wonder how to determine what is really going on right now?
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