Earlier this week our family attended a two-day all day church conference, and I knew I needed to have food on hand to stick to my meaty way of eating! 

We all like tips, right?  Here are my tips for what I packed to be ready, as well as what I ate from the hotel lobby.  For general info, we stayed at the Holiday Inn Express.  

What I packed:
- Leftover hamburger patties, 1/3# each
- 2 Ribeyes (12 oz each)
- microwavable bacon 🥓
- Frigo brand beef and cheese sticks
- Epic brand beef, venison, chicken, and salmon jerky
- 8 pats of butter 

What I got from the breakfast buffet:
- butter (pats and pats!)
- pork sausage patties and links
- hard boiled eggs

I can't forget Redmond's Real Salt!

I ended up the two days with a Ribeye and a lot of the jerky, as well as most of the butter.  

In another post, I'll tell you where and what I ate so you can see how this all shook out over the two days.  


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