A powerful word from the Lord, on February 18, 2021:

"Know that right now is a sifting time.  It’s a time of difference and a time of pulling the wheat from the tares.   The tares will be left and burned on the threshing floor.  Ignore those that do not stick with you and understand that God is making all things new and replacing what is old with what is new.  New wine can’t be put into old wineskins.  The time is coming where you are going to see everything turned over, everything disclosed, everything made new, and THEY will not be able to walk down the street.  Yes, there are those among you who will reject this way of life and they were not your people anyway.  Focus on those I bring to you and on your new mission.  Ask not for what can be given to you, but what you can give to others.   John F. Kennedy was exactly right but his mission needs to be expanded at this time to redeem all of humanity.   I will not tolerate my little ones to be put to shame.  Enough is enough.  Damage and wanton recklessness without accountability is over.  The time of accountability and paying the bills of destruction is here.  And the American people will not be asked any longer to fund their games.  I the Lord have spoken." 

It is time for us to rise to our rightful place as the sons and daughters of God.  I don’t really know how it will work to do necessities for a while, like cutting hair or going to the store.  I know though that as we peel from the matrix, we will be more so able to be less dependent on traditional media and box stores.  More will come to us.  We will go back to the land.  We will be more indigenous.  We will heal.   We will be able to connect and heal with like minded folks.  People will have intuition restored to them.  People will have what they need. Helping technology is good to us and will be available to all, in varying sizes.  Never entertain fear.  Always love.   Focus is coming, know what you want and SEE it.  Douse yourself in oils.  Watch the nighttime.  The enemy still prowls around like a lion, seeking whom to devour.  If you are not aware, he is greatly dismantled and disempowered.  God wins and God is winning.  We must choose the higher path.  I heard someone, I believe it was Sarah Grace on FB, say the best ways to answer gaslighting and character assassination was to address only the situation and ASK questions for clarification, choose not to receive it, and to walk away.  I know it is NOT easy to lose friends or family, but you MUST at the end of the day determine whether peace at your heart and confidence in TRUTH is more important than relationships where you and your opinion are not regarded.  For me, tough as it is, it has been incredibly life-giving to choose my own path and to stand in either the truth or the confidence of my opinions.  What I do know is that my heart is pure, and I want love and light.  I choose health, healing, unity, and love in every circumstance, so I reject every circumstance and plot of ultimately the enemy who has sought to discredit me by trying to assign a false narrative to me and my beliefs.  I suggest you do the same.  Reject the plot of the enemy who seeks to divide and to destroy.  Remember this is his nature, and often he disguises as an angel of light.  Reject this falsehood!

Hold on.  This is the time when you are going to need to recognize your own sovereignty.  You will need to meet your image-of-God-ness again and remember what and who you were created and designed to be.  You are made in the image of God, and He resides in you if you are of Him.  In the garden, God walked with Adam and Eve.  He so much desires to be with you and me now, as their descendants.  They were the first to die, but God does not want that to us.  It was a consequence of sin.

A podcaster I follow, named Phoenix, said, "watch your mind and your thoughts; stay positive."

God is perfection and He is desiring more of you.  Stand firm.  Be strong!!!  Pray every day and pray without ceasing.  Make everything a living prayer and choose LIFE.  Speak LIFE over your situation.

You are always and constantly being asked to rise above.   That is because you are capable of that.   God would not call you to rise above if you were not able to.  He equips the called.  He gives you everything you need for life and godliness!  


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