Sitting in this chair at my in-laws’ house, loving life, and realizing how much is inside my control that I have been lamely brushing off as happening TO me. Truth is, I can take responsibility for SO much in my life. I did an assessment yesterday that was SO eye-opening.
How would I summarize this assessment? For someone who claims to believe she lives ABOVE rather than “under” the circumstances, I’m basically lying to myself. Shocking? Nah, don’t worry about it. I always seek to make a difference, but I can’t if I can’t take responsibility for my situation.
Confession as a result of clarity is a fantastic way to move forward, and my behavior of choice. I know I have a lot to offer and taking responsibility for not doing so is a step closer to accomplishing what it is God created me in advance to do. (Ephesians 2:10)
As we go into 2022 and I look at my 52nd birthday on January 3, I like to think I’m just getting started... 🥰💕🎁💪🏻👏🏻😎😘