How I support healthy hair growth...naturally!!!

I was talking with a friend Monday who asked how she can spend her Essential Rewards points (think “free” stuff) to help her body combat aggressive hair loss.  It was terrifying her.  I’ve been there. You know!  When you're in the shower, and you pull out wads when you are shampooing? yeah.  This happened to me in 2012, when I was diagnosed with Diabetes Type 1.  Because this is a prevalent problem, I wanted to share what I’ve learned.  If you don’t deal with it, you probably know someone who does.  

I started using a line of natural products in February 2013 and it changed my life.  I have so many stories and research I’ve done I’m anxious to share with people who have come to Young Living as part of our larger group, and I hope I get to know you if you want to connect, if you're not familiar with these products.  I got into them intially because I didn't really believe they worked!  Well, I was wrong, and since then we've really delved into doing everything as naturally as possible.

As for hair loss, I have found three key issues that I’ve addressed: stress, hormones, and the actual hair follicle.  For stress, I used copious amounts of Stress Away, Peace and Calming, and Tranquil Roll-On, for oils, and Cortistop for supplements.  The backdrop of support of healthy hair follicles is my foundational health.  I have been drinking NingXia Red, and taking Sulfurzyme and Life 9 for years.  NingXia Red is an antioxidant drink made from the NingXia Wolfberries.  People in the NingXia province live to a ripe old age.  I remember seeing a video of a 98-year-old daughter, and her 123-year-old mom.  The mom was a Chinese doctor.  They looked vivacious and healthy.  I digress!  Sulfurzyme is the reason my hairdresser in Germany noticed that my eyebrows grew very healthy!  I was getting them waxed twice as often as any other client of hers.

For hormones, not only did I find Cortistop helpful for healthy cortisol levels, but I also loved EndoGize for balancing out my hormone levels, and Progessence Plus (P+) because my friend said she too was in menopause.  I’m flirting with that, and P+ is helping me.

For healthy hair growth, I like adding Lavender, Cedarwood, and Rosemary to the Lavender Volumizing Shampoo or the Lavender Mint Shampoo (I’ve done both).

I have lots more info l am eager to share on a variety of topics!  If you have one in particular you want to hear about, I’d love to know so I can jot it down and share information.

To connect with me in my natural-living group, click here, or follow me on Instagram here.  Make sure you don’t miss my emails by clicking here. I’m working on so many things I have to offer you and I don’t want you to miss it!

Thank God for Progress!!! 🙌

Thank God for Progress!!! 🙌
I'm excited that steps I've taken to learn how to not stress when stressful times come, have led to me REALLY making a change. I'm excited to have gotten through a weekend where I normally wouldn't have been able to function, with peace and true rest.  This is transformation and joy.  And this is where I catch my dreams.  

Do not worry about your life...

Do not worry about your life...
One of my earliest life verses I memorized was this verse, from when Christ was addressing the disciples and the people in His Sermon on the Mount.  He said that each day has enough trouble of its own!

I'm an old pro of worrying about life that hasn't happened yet!  I love to borrow trouble before it happens.  Problem is, that borrowed trouble heaps on top of the trouble of the day, and I end up completely overwhelmed and overly nervous.  I have had intense challenge in these situations calming myself down enough to just get through till it's time to go to sleep.

So have I learned this lesson?  Christ wasn't merely suggesting it might be beneficial not to worry; he actually told the people not to take on tomorrow's trouble, and not even to be concerned.

This took me a LOT of years and work.  I struggled literally every day for a lot of years, to get to the point where the day would just automatically stress me out.  I would start that way, and just try to cope.  

The first thing I tried was counseling and meds.  However, the meds caused me to rage and gain a lot of weight.  They even amplified the anxiety!  So I quit that cold turkey (I don't advise it), and I actually felt better almost immediately.  

I them amped up my running.  However, this was also about the time I got injured.  Plantar fasciitis, to a marathon runner, at 33.  More to get anxious about!

Well, then Kevin went active duty in the military, and I got pregnant with my first child!  I couldn't catch a break.  Oh my gosh!  The stress added on.  And we were in the middle of a war!  They extended his duty assignment overseas, and gave him months in addition to his original time overseas.  Not only that, but it was said you were either deployed, getting back from deployment, or getting ready to deploy.  When you weren't doing that, you were getting ready to PCS (move) to a deployable assignment.  Those were scary times.  It was there I decided I HAD to figure out how to not worry.  I said I was determined to live that particular day, since Jesus said that was all I was supposed to worry about.  Was that easy?  No.  It felt like driving a bumper car, where you keep getting jerked back every time you inched away from the track.

I then started using Young Living products and discovered that a supplement, MultiGreens, and two essential oils, Joy and Release, helped me to finally begin my ability to detach from emotions.  Now, I am not saying I stopped feeling my emotions, I just learned how to detach from them.  I'm not sure exactly how I did this, because I definitely tried to do that for at least a decade.  But I just found that with MultiGreens and those two oils, I was able to detach.  

The other thing that started making a huge difference in my stopping worrying was a daily gratitude challenge I began in October 2018.  I'm going on 416 days straight of practicing gratitude.  It has become a check for me, so that I have greatly limited my own critical nature and subsequent fear of the future.  It has now become habit, and I can even feel myself stopping myself before adopting a fearful, critical attitude.

Let's crowdsource! I'm curious!  What have you found helps you not worry about tomorrow?  What's helped you not even worry about today? 

... And our PCS adventure continues...

... And our PCS adventure continues...
For those who don't know, we moved from Germany to head to Fort Eustis, VA, in December.  This January, we are starting life in Virginia!

We've had a fabulous time in Pennsylvania with my in-laws and the extended family.  In fact, I'm so grateful for having a business that has people all over the US!  That means I've gotten to interact with members on my team during Christmas break.  Today we had lunch with our friends, Chris and Michelle Krudup, and last week I had lunch with another friend, Gail Williams. 

During our vacation, however, we discovered that we were not going to be able to close on our new house Tuesday, as planned.  

We've been through enough interesting situations in life that I feel I need to be ready in season and out of season to live a flexible life.  Being a military spouse is sometimes like being a cat.  No matter how we fall, we manage to land on our feet.  We've been in some interesting situations, and had some weird things happen.  We've had to figure things out.  

So, Thursday night, the 2nd, we discovered that we can not possibly close on Tuesday the 7th, as we had anticipated.  

My realtor informed me that an ALTA sheet needed to be procured by COB (close of business) Thursday.  Because it wasn't, we will not close Tuesday.  Well, having keys for our house would help us get our stuff quicker!

So we called the realtor, and within minutes, we determined we were in a position to come up with an alternative plan.  Turns out there are a lot of things that didn't happen.  

The great news is that we might get to negotiate a lower price on our house, and we should get a lower interest rate.  So good comes from confusing or stinky!  And if we don't get a lower house price, we'll have substantiated our house price.  

Good comes from bad!  I've had a lot of people comment they would not be as calm as I was.  But when you have seen God take care of you over and over again, and you land on your feet again and again, then you know that you will be ok.  You have to surrender your plans, your timeline, your circumstances.  But you have to do so when things seem to fall apart.  

The other thing is that you can't change your circumstances anyway, so getting upset about them wastes energy, and doesn't do a thing about affecting your life.

Jesus said it this way.  "Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, for your Heavenly Father knows that you need them.  Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" (Matthew 6:25-27)

One huge challenge you can make today to save your emotional well being is look in a situation that goes awry for a way forward that unlocks your bondage from the dead end.  Yes, that is really hard to do!!!! But there is freedom and even victory in determining how to move forward within limitation.  

What situation are you facing today in which you need to see another way through or around it?  What can you do to keep moving forward?  What might you need to do to see this situation differently, if another solution is not readily obvious?

Preparing for Another Birthday!!!

Preparing for Another Birthday!!!
Today is yet another eve before a birthday!  And this year, it is a BIG ONE!!!  I am literally almost half a century old!  And I think I am JUST getting started.  We were just talking about how when you lose your mission, you start to die.  Not happening here.  I have so much to ponder, so much to share, so much to hopefully offer as we go forward.  I am thankful that God allowed me to have another eve of a birthday!  Only God knows how long I will be here, and I trust that every day I endeavor to make the biggest difference possible.

I plan to rock 50.  I was not kidding that I feel more alive now than I did ten years ago!  I feel more joyful, more optimistic, more healthy, more purposeful, more directed, more impassioned and aware of the things that are important to me. As I go into this next year, I desire for the Lord to use me ultimately for His purposes, with the mouthpiece He has given. Only He knows how He plans to do that, and He knows I am His instrument, willing (as far as I know, please forgive me for my ignorance or folly) to be used by Him for others to know Him.

I'm excited about this next year and what lies ahead!  I love having a birthday near the beginning of a year, because for me it's just more reflection on the intentions and focuses I will adopt into that year.  

God bless you all today as you fully live into His purposes for you for today!!!

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