When someone wants out...

Have you as a leader ever gotten a message from a member of your organization who said they were quitting, or were “done?”   Has it ever been right as you feel this member is gaining momentum and about to break ground on a new opportunity, or about to see massive growth in a strategic area?  You have just hit the big time!  Yes, this can be really aggravating, but actually, this could be just the beginning of great things for you and your mission. This is a perfect chance for you to see the silver lining!  
Organizational Leadership Growth Leadership

How we can process our emotions to feel 100%!!!

Friends, it's no secret that I am a firm believer that essential oils and emotional freedom are a match made in heaven...literally.

Once I realized the intricacies of the fact that the nasal passage bumps right up across the blood-brain barrier from the limbic region of the brain, also known as the emotional center, I was enraptured and so thankful for my oils.

Once I dealt with my first emotional issue to release it cleanly and clearly, I was hooked. You see, I was (and have always been) a ball of emotions!

Whether you wear your emotions on your sleeve, like I do, or don't really notice they're there, we all have them, and we all do one of a few things with them:

(a) feel them and process them appropriately

(b) feel them and process them all over other people

(c) feel them and stuff them

(d) don't feel them, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

There are probably other ways we process emotions, many of whom people study for years about! However, one thing is for sure. Therapists and practitioners of all kinds know the connection between feelings and physical well-being.

So, our essential oils are tools for wellness, tools for good things as we figure out (or maybe aren't even aware) that we have errant emotions. Maybe you're like me and don't know why you always have trouble with certain situations. Maybe you're like me and don't know why you can't get past a certain thing. Maybe you're like me and wonder why certain scenarios always bring up various ways you don't feel good.

It's not necessarily "who you are" or "how you're wired." It's possible that you have an emotional response, much like someone may have problems with their elbow and it didn't heal correctly, or if they got sick once and a sore throat bothers them every time it gets cold outside.

The great news is it's possible to restore and release emotions trapped inappropriately.

I really want to unpack this with you in the weeks and months to come. I want you to believe that you can deal with things, that you likely have tools in your possession that can enable you to get past things that have held you back!

Who would like to go on a journey with me to learn more about how essential oils can restore improperly stored emotions, and how you can help yourself untrap those?

Finding your purpose!!!

Have you ever wondered, "why am I here?" I know I have!!!! I have struggled for a long time 
to know specifically what I'm about.

It's really easy to say, "I want to be a good wife, a good mom, and a good friend."  But that's something all of us want to do!  And if God created each of us uniquely, then I must have a more unique purpose.  It can't be so generic that everyone has the same unique passion!  That's not unique, and quite frankly, that "mission" made me yawn.  Of COURSE I want to be a good wife!!!  

Two years ago I had a funny conversation with my friend, Erin Rodgers.  I had just gotten Dream Catcher for the first time (really, how does that happen), and used it with Clarity as I slept.  (That's a GREAT time for emotional release!!!!)
NOOOOOWWWWW, what was interesting was that THAT night I had a dream about HER and HER dream!!!  
I messaged her that next morning, and explained the craziness that was the dream that I had.  Now, it was a clear, and VERY normal dream, but it was not MY dream.  She did what a fantastic leader does, and asked me what my dream was.  
I responded with an open-mouthed, "uhhhhhh.....um, well, I'm nooooootttt really sure..."

Her response prompted me on a quest to figure it out. I proceeded to apply Clarity and Dream Catcher together, both on me, and in my diffuser.  I have been doing that for months and months and months, and engaging in prayer, relinquishing my desires to the best of my ability, and trusting God in the process of revealing it to me.  

That was, as I said, two years ago!!!  She had also told me at the time that someone on her team at my level ought to know what his or her dream is!  She admonished me to figure it out quickly so I could move forward.  I did the best I could!  I definitely applied myself to the process, without trying to force it.  And it took me two years.  But I'm grateful that this morning I could articulate what wakes me up in the morning, besides love for God, my husband, and my kids.  

I am resting in my jam right now.  I don't know how long this will be my vision, before that changes to something else.  
Right now, it does inspire me, It does get me going.  It does fire me up.  It does ignite my passion. It does resonate with me.  It even ties to things that got me fired up as a little girl.  That's the other part that tells me I'm totally on to something.

How in the world was I able to come to that?  What exactly took two years?  That will definitely take some more blog posts to explain.  I will walk through that process with you, to show you my road map that helped me get to the point where I could hone in on what really ignites my passion and stirs my feelings.  

As we work on those posts, what have YOU found has been helpful for you in identifying your purpose, to knowing what motivates you, and what will keep you going when things get challenging?  

The powers that be...

We live in a mixed-up, crazy world.  No matter when you access this blog post, you're sure to agree with me that things are WEIRD.  I just came from Germany, and though the weirdness is much more amplified here than it was there, contrary to popular belief.

What's taking place externally threatens to affect us internally, as well.  I was telling my community this morning that I have found myself more permissive, if not tolerant, of speaking extremely negatively toward myself and my surroundings.  In the past (I'm exercising conscious language here), I used to wake up and think about my ankles creaking, and then fast forward to the most untimely things possible.  Like, horrid things about myself that I don't even want to type. I have been working SO hard to replace those evil thoughts of demise with "what is good, noble, praiseworthy, lovely" (Philippians 4:6-7).  It does take time because I also am reminded of all the times I've thought similar thoughts in the past.  I am working to "throw off every sin that so easily entangles" (Hebrews 12:1) so that I can run with perseverance the race that is set before me.

The fact is that Jesus has come to "give life, and give it to the full," (John 10:10), and to "overcome death by death" (Paschal hymn), and it is my job to live in that resurrection reality.  As we live in the church age as the church triumphant, it is my job to keep living now.

It is said that after Lazarus rose from the grave, he was so disenchanted with being back in this world after seeing the next world, that he never smiled again (Prologue).  I think a lot of Christians live like that now, but the difference is we haven't yet been to Heaven to see what we are missing.  However, am I the only one that sees a problem with living in grief and sadness, to mourn what has not yet happened yet?  Am I the only one who is saddened by Lazarus's response to his being raised from the dead?  I remember being so sad for Lazarus that he had to leave heaven to come back to the world! 

At the same time, I am here NOW.  This is where God has placed me, and I feel very strongly that the joy of the LORD will be my strength.  So I endeavor to live in His grace and truth, and to believe that "the best is yet to come."  (Frank Sinatra) I endeavor to live in the hope of the resurrection.  I love the reminder in my church that as the church militant we are worshipping with the church triumphant, as a reminder of what is coming.  While we are here, let me practice living in LIFE on this earth, and not in the dark cloud of the opposite.  

What kinds of things do you do to keep yourself centered, positive, strengthened, and optimistic of all God has for you going forward?  What books and/or scripture verses help encourage you to stay focused on good things, and what lies for you in the future?  

How can I take care of occasional headaches, fatigue, etc, naturally?

I've found that natural high-quality, high-nutrient-density food supplementation really does support heart, neurological and nerve, and sleep patterns.  Read on to see what I do to ensure that I take in high-quality, nutrient-dense foods to support my body naturally, in these areas.
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