Where do you find your grounding?

Gosh, I've had such a challenge sharing my thoughts online over the past six months.  Can you feel me?  You know what I mean?  People are griping about masks, challenging politics, yelling at people for complying or not complying, pick the issue. I am here today to just observe the craziness of this time and to comment on something completely different.  

I chose to show up here from a different vantage point than you might see shared otherwise.  I know we have all witnessed chaos and destruction on all levels over the past several months.  I have been working emphatically over the past 6 months especially, and for several years before that, to really learn how to take care of me so that I can show up for other people as I know I am called to do. I believe God has a really high standard for us who believe in Him and are called according to His purpose, so I know my primary objective is to constantly humble myself before God, acknowledge, confess, and repent of my own greed, malice, envy, jealousy, and strife so that God can be known.  As I take care of myself, I know I can show up more like this person I know God has called me to be.  

Humbling myself goes beyond the normal "daily devotion" and "confess and repent."  I worked on routine, environment, and balance to create a scenario where I can always show up as that BEST self.  

Over the weeks and months, I will discuss HOW you can do this more deeply, consistently, purely, and lovingly.

When all help feels like it breaks loose, where do you get your grounding?  What examples do you have to share?

So, you wanna homeschool? PART 1

So many people are toying with the idea of homeschooling, and it is for various reasons!  I'm not getting into those reasons here; that is not my intent!  But the thing that stands out is that you may find yourself in a broad spectrum of how willing you are to be in this place.
I, for one, am so happy you are taking this step!  It may be a scary, unwelcome, traumatic, and jarring decision, but something in you knows that you need to take that next step, and you are not sure how to do it.  I applaud you for your conviction!  
Ten years ago, I found myself in exactly the same situation as you - scared, unsure, pressured, overwhelmed, apprehensive at the "thought of endless days" with my kids.  But what I found we were embarking on was a lifestyle and a lifetime of learning, exploration, adventure, excellence without obsession, and intelligence.  You know what else?  I also found freedom along the way, and confidence in my ability to lead my kids in a lifetime of learning.  I also found I learned more myself than I ever did in school.  It awakened in me a desire to live into my mom-hood, to see my kids as they are, to free myself to tree them to live into their God-given natures, and to learn for myself how they were created.
Lean into this opportunity.  If your children are younger than 15, or even if they're older than 15, there is much more freedom than you might think to teach what you want to teach, or lead your children in learning, as you want to.
Of course, your state has requirements you will need to abide by, and I will cover that in the next installment of this series. I will show you how to interpret your laws and set up your homeschool to meet the requirements.
As I close this blog post, I want you to know...you can do this.  Set up a system, commit to loving your kids in this process, and remind yourself you got this.  We'll cover everything you need to know to get you ready for this.  
I'm holding your hand, and I'm confident God will shine His light on your path. That's the last thing to remember. God's got this! You have everything you need. I LOVE "The Living Bible" version of Psalm 23.  

EDITED TO ADD:  I thought I posted this!!!  Here goes.  I'm here to help!  What are you most excited or nervous about, related to homeschooling this next year?  Drop it in the comments! 

Time to verify, take a deep breath, and not avoid each other

Time to verify, take a deep breath,  and not avoid each other
 What to do with a frenzy... How to maintain sanity when everyone seems to be going crazy.
Hype Hysteria Media

Easy hand sanitizer recipe!

Easy hand sanitizer recipe!
Easy hand sanitizer recipe! Always have it on hand!  It's inexpensive, and good for you, as well!
Hand Sanitizer Natural health Wash hands

Low-cost wipe that cleans more thoroughly than most?

Low-cost wipe that cleans more thoroughly than most?

If you're looking for low-cost countertop wipes that are natural and don't contain harsh chemicals, I got the hookup for you!

From my friend, Kerry Mathes. I love all these recipes! 🙌🏻

☀️It only took me about 10 minutes to make 3 packs of Thieves wipes! It's what I use instead of a Lysol or Clorox bleach wipe. They clean, but with NONE of the harmful side-effects! I usually keep a container in the kitchen and then one in each of our bathrooms. They're fabulous for quickly wiping down surfaces. Wipe and toss!

PS - If you're like me and don't love the idea of a throwaway wipe, just fill the container with cheap washcloths. And then just toss them in your laundry when you do a load. It's that easy. I typically use baby washcloths; they're perfect for this job!

💛Here's how make them:

🔶I use 3 of the disposal round containers. ( You can find them in your grocery store in the food storage aisle, by the bags & foil ). She used regular coffee filters but you could use unbleached, for a reduced toxin load.

🔸Fill one container with warm water.
Add two capfuls of Thieves Household Cleaner to the water and stir.

🔸Fill the two empty containers with coffee filters. If you wiggle/shuffle them around a bit, you can more easily separate them later.

🔸Pour 1/3 of the Thieves Cleaner water over each of the coffee filters.

🔸Add coffee filters to the last container, the one you mixed in. (You should have 1/3 of the water mixture left in it.)

🔸Snap on the lids. Turn upside down to saturate all the filters. If you have extra solution, add more filters if possible, or save the THHC solution in a jar for your next batch. Or you can add the extra solution to a spray bottle.

🔶Use whenever you need to clean quickly! I love these to give to my kids to wipe down surfaces, too. We use them on countertops, toilets ( do NOT flush these!) , stovetops, microwave, in your car...

The possibilities are endless!

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