If you're like me, this year is HARD to get over. If you're like me, you think back to this time of year a year ago, and think, "how different I am now than I was 12 months ago!"
Many of you have had PROFOUND things happen in the past 12 months! You've lost and gained jobs, you've lost and gained relationships, you've left and joined churches, you've moved, you've started supervising your children's education at home, you've suffered mental health challenges, you've dealt with physical challenges.
A group of friends and I are going to walk with you through how you can redeem the time. We've entitled it "Your Year in Review," and we've intended it for you to work forward to take everything that has happened, and harness those changes to your behalf as you look forward to 2021. Please come join us Monday night at 7pm Eastern time. I think you will get so much out of this hour together. Bring a pen and paper, and a gentle heart toward yourself. Envision yourself like I see Kevin doing aikido, the martial art in which he is black belt tested, and a sensei. (Yes, I'm bragging on him. He's really good at this and he loves it.) In aikido, you use the force of your opponent to your advantage to disarm the opponent to come out on top.
We're doing that tomorrow night, and we'd love you to join us on this ZOOM link.
And HERE's the Facebook event invitation, which has MUCH more description of what we will be doing Monday night.