Know the signs of the times...

It's time to recognize your own sovereignty.  You will need to meet your image-of-God-ness again and remember what and who you were created and designed to be.  You are made in the image of God, and He resides in you if you are of Him.  In the garden, God walked with Adam and Eve.  He so much desires to be with you and me now, as their descendants.  They were the first to die, but God does not want that to us.  It was a consequence of sin.

Healthy Habits to Beat Fear

Healthy Habits to Beat Fear
Your mind is powerful. Stating positive affirmations can help you reprogram your brain and invite feelings of self-belief. Find a declarative statement that resonates with you e.g. "I am becoming more confident each day."
Read to gain and share more tips with our community!

"...For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks..."

"...For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks..."
Working on my mentality right now is strenuous!  How many of you have found that you are in the same position?  How many of you recognize that you really have an opportunity to think right and thus change your life?

Redeeming Places, Locations, and Times

Redeeming Places, Locations, and Times
I went with some friends to Disney this past weekend, and this parade was really fun to run into!  The crowds were smaller than usual, so we got right along the road and got these fantastic pictures.  
He often will call us into interesting places to redeem those times.  Not often, and I don't think we should go unless called.  But we are His workmanship, created in advance to do the things He has called us to do (Ephesians 2:10).  
This was a journey of simultaneous fun and obedience!
Read on to learn how.


"Words fitly spoken..."

"Words fitly spoken..."
So many of us are dealing with anguish because of WORDS.  So what can we do right now?  Because all of us are reeling!  Do I get out there and be "me?"  What if I get criticized?  What if I get attacked?  What if I...  What if?  
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