We have been endeavoring to live fully into the lives God has given us. Jesus Christ Himself says Himself in John 10:10 that He gives us life and more abundantly! He called us to live NOW. He didn’t call us to have to change so that we can avoid life. What is that ABUNDANT life supposed to look like, during "unprecedented" times? How do we hold out for and manifest hope!?
Are we ever going to unify as a country? Will we ever heal from the incisive, divisive rhetoric that keeps us at each other's throats, when just a few short years ago we were signing "kum-ba-yah?" What do we do to be part of that solution?
Read more...It is not about the manifestations of God, it's about the relationship with Him. It's not about demonstrative power, it's about drawing near to Him and counting on Him to want to be glorified. It's about restoring our right relationship with Him so that all we want is more of Him.
Read more..."Today is First Fruits 2021. Watch First Fruits - it will be HUGE."
Read more...Today is a really fun day to be an Orthodox Christian, because though we commemorate the saints (think about it like talking reverently about your grandmother or great-grandfather) every day, today's saint we commemorate is one who's been memorialized for one reason or another, around much of the world, especially in the United States, where our bus driver during our Ireland trip very notably told us 82 million Americans can trace their (our) roots back to Ireland. Maybe we love Saint Patrick so much because we know he hearkens back to our roots.