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Hi! I'm Heidi Hovan,
Young Living Diamond Leader here to guide you on your journey to a more abundant life!

I believe everyone has a deep and abiding purpose and that everyone wants to be noticed, appreciated, and loved.

From a young age, I knew this world was amazing, and humanity was the crown jewel. I just lost that vision.

Then, I found my purpose in an accidental decision and my entire life has changed!!! I found a way to live into my purpose, grow in my passions, and empower others to greatness of mind, soul, body, and spirit, all without losing themselves in a job only would suffocate them!

If you are perceiving your greatness, but you don’t know how to activate it and you don't want to try and try and try, join me and I’ll show you what I learned and how you can transform your life!

I hope to see you in our Oil and a Prayer community soon!

Copyright Heidi M Hovan